AI and IoT: The Backbone of the Industry 4.0 Revolution

4 min readOct 21, 2020
AI and IoT: The Backbone of the Industry 4.0 Revolution

An industrial revolution signifies a shift in business, society, culture, and more. The Industry 4.0 or the Fourth Industrial Revolution is now upon us. With the Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) driving this force, there is not much ground that this movement would not cover.

These new innovations not only affect the technology industry, but they work their way into each aspect of our lives, from security to transportation.

The Industrial Fourth Revolution is paving the way for what’s to come. AI and IoT are constantly providing new forms of technology in different industries.

What Is the Internet of Things?

Ask experts what IoT is, and you will get several different answers. That is because it does many things at once. IoT is a network that provides resources and information in its most basic sense.

It revolves around intelligence and technology. It is the physical objects that incorporate and embed various forms of data that we use in day to day lives.

A business many use it to store or interpret data analytics for business outcomes. But it is in common devices as well, like navigation or security systems.

IoT is a daily game changer and the first pillar of the Industry 4.0. It helps to provide sustainable resources and preserve others. It is a network that does it all.

Where Does AI Come In?

Artificial Intelligence is another technology that affects business and everyday life. It is machine intelligence that can imitate human behavior and adapt to different environments. It’s in games and apps, it is in media and news, but it is also in company infrastructure.

When it comes to AI, it is the second pillar of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Every day, engineers create new forms of AI that optimize and revolutionize the way we have.

Industry 4.0

The beginning of newer technologies like cell phones and computers may be the Third Industrial Revolution. But this new wave of technology is reimagining the way we use our devices. That is why many of the experts say that the IoT and AI are not just pillars of the industry 4.0; they are the Industry 4.0.

IoT has many systems within it. These systems bring the current latest technology to new levels. Similarly, Artificial Intelligence has the power to influence thousands of different software platforms, revolutionizing business.

For instance, IoT improves network-level optimization. With the high demands of business’s network infrastructure, IoT is not just creating new forms of networks, but it is also taking current ones to new heights. Optimizing current networks gives them higher functions, which makes them more cost-effective and useful for businesses.

Another example of how IoT saves businesses money is with the help of data collection. With systems that have systematic and predictive analytics, companies can review the data and see when machines have errors or need replacements. IoT systems used to measure vibrations daily and monitor when the machinery is straying from its norm.

It is easier to repair than to replace it. This innovation helps to save money.

Similarly, AI optimizes business standards and productivity. It can do much of the work that most of the employers or employees may not have time to do. For example, Artificial Intelligence can manage inventory and may even be the system via IoT that alerts companies of mechanical errors.

AI can cut down on customers’ service call time as well as store information and resources. This innovation is as of now relatively new, but growing at an exponential rate. It is not just the future; it’s now.

Technology is already the standard and norm. IoT and AI simply take it to new levels. Because of these potential and abilities, they earn their title as Industry 4.0.

Upcoming Trends

There are lots of things to look forward to in our current Industrial Revolution.

One of them is improved physical and cybersecurity. Because of this highly increase in technology, people may feel scared of having their data stolen. With highly better security, people can invest more in new innovations.

IoT trends like the SaaS, specifically for charities and businesses, are impacting society positively. Another trend is more integrated with smart devices, which have skyrocketed to the top of the public interest.

AI is also something that will continue to grow as an integral part of everyday life soon. Although, you will notice that AI overlaps with the IoT almost always. If the Internet of Things makes the smart home network, AI is the system within it.

The two together are powerful, which is why they are pioneering this new revolution. These examples are just a few things to keep an eye out for in the upcoming years and months.

Newsworthy technology appears all the time. And the Fourth Industrial Revolution is only just getting started.

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